Electronics companies may be eligible for R&D tax credits for performing qualified research activities. For example, the following activities may be eligible for R&D tax credits:
Developing new and/or improved electronic hardware and/or embedded software component products or equipment (e.g. computer peripherals, software built-in intelligence, biometric securities)
Developing new and/or improved networking devices
Developing new or improved water, fuel, or energy management systems
Developing new and/or improved semiconductor components (e.g. photovoltaic cells, chipsets) within system requirements, parameters, and capability
Developing new and/or improved network equipment with enhanced thermal technology resistance (e.g. heat reduction)
Designing enhanced processes and techniques, including automation, development of new testing methods, creation of prototypes and first articles
Designing nanomanufacturing of electronic devices
Integration of new and/or improved remote monitoring and management systems into electronic devices
Quality testing of prototypes and/or model simulation(s)
Machinery / Robotics companies may be eligible for R&D tax credits for performing qualified research activities. For example, the following activities may be eligible for R&D tax credits:
Developing new and/or improved systems and components to satisfy specific application requirements
Developing new and/or improved standardized assembly manufacturing processes
Developing improved throughput and scale of commercial equipment and products production
Developing and/or evaluating microprocessor-based control system for operating collaborative robotic welding systems
Developing new and/or improved specialized hydraulically-powered cranes or excavation machinery
Designing new and/or improved multi-axis robot arm(s) for different environments (e.g. temperature fluctuation, terrain applications)
Designing new and/or improved automated robotic systems (e.g. plastic scrap waste removal during injection-molding)
Designing new and/or improved special-purpose systems (e.g. biorefinery)
Designing new and/or improved robotic welding machine
Testing and/or evaluation of an advanced heat exchanger